Monday, 30 January 2012

Well, Hello.

“Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it doesn't hurt the untroubled spirit either.”

So.... a 'once a week' blog eh? That turned out well.

I didn't stop writing because I succeeded in finding myself. I wish. That is definitely 
NOT what went down. It just got...well...time consuming. Life got busy. I
stopped taking the time to unload and refresh...for several months.

I can't say that it's really been a problem. I think I've been too busy to
even notice. That is, until I ran into that certain someone that pointed out
my lack of commitment to my blog posts. [Thank you to that certain someone].  So, really the very least, I should be able to post once a week. I'll try to keep you all updated on what I'm up to, how I'm doing and all that fun stuff.

I'll be honest and say that I certainly don't want to take the time to try
to recollect the last 5 months of my life. It will take forever. It's been
good. I've been good. My hubby has been wonderful and little Bean is still
little Bean.

Let’s talk about her first, little Bean -- I had to be a tough Mom and take her to the vet this morning [without Shaun, this is quite a feat for me --I don't do well with anything hurt, bloody or remotely painful] because she pulled one of her toenails off [but not really] and we weren't able to cut it for her. We made sure to keep it clean with salt and water all weekend but it wasn't falling off so we decided to take her in to have it removed. O to the M to the G! The vet looked at me this morning and said, "Is it ok if I hurt your dog?" I looked at him like...WTF? What kind of question is that? Maybe try wording it-- are you ok with her being in pain for a split second?!! I said "No." He then explained that she could either be sedated [which would cost $150 on top of the $100 to have the nail removed] or she could just be awake and feel the pain. I told him, "Well...I guess you'll have to sedate us both!" BUT - that is a TON of $ and I knew she could handle it and I knew Shaun would say she could handle it; so, she did! I sat in the waiting room with tears in my eyes and my ears covered [no way I was going to hear her little yelp!] for what felt like 10 minutes, which was only 2! The vet said she did amazing and now she’s good to go. Oh, little Bean!  She gets an entire paragraph in this post. Lucky puppy!

Well…how about a small list of the other important stuff:

- We're going to be an Aunty and Uncle for the 5th time! My 3rd oldest
sister is going to have a Baby in July!

-My Dad and I finished plastering and sanding the walls in the basement
family room. It's ready for paint!!

-I ROCKED the shit out of the Miss Movember run and I have the medal to
prove it! My sister-in-law and I wore felt moustaches and crossed the finish
line with a huge hug and a few [VERY, VERY HAPPY] tears!

-I knit 86 LitKnits for the Botsford Christmas Bazaar and sold 32. Hmm. I
like to think I was just in a bad location. I'll sell more next year. They
are adorable and I am not giving up.

-My Birthday was wonderful. I spent it with my family and some close
friends. That's the best. Oh, and I’m 25.

-Christmas without my father-in-law was bittersweet. It's insanely sad to
feel all kinds of [missing] in one room, it's also incredibly lovely to be
surrounded by such an amazing family that love each other so much.

-My hubby and I hosted a very successful Christmas Day with my family. Very. Successful.

-We spent New Years Eve in Saint Andrews. It was nice. It's home.

-I didn't meet my 2011 Reading Challenge Goal of 40 books; I only made it to 35. That's still pretty damn good.

-My amazing husband bought a new [AMAZING] NORD keyboard for his upcoming year of non stop music!

-I still enjoy my job.

-Our little Bean is just as adorable as she was in October.

-I volunteered to read and review a novel by a local author. It’s coming
out in April. My review is going to be on the back of the book. This makes
me incredibly happy.

-I have been knitting up a storm. I started my very first big project. A shawl just for me!!

-I am learning how to knit cables.

-I miss my old co-worker and I love my new one.

-I am not sure if it's a Café I'll open or a knitting store with a coffee station.....

-I've learned that there aren't enough pieces of myself to pass around, I am
not good at being a busy or pretend person. I have come to terms with the
simple fact that those relationships and friendships that truly mean
something to us, are the ones that we need to put our true self and
effort into.

-I will never give up coffee.

-I am looking into purchasing a treadmill. I am not a 'go outside to
exercise in the winter' kind of gal. Can't do it. Won't. Nope. A walk to
breathe in the nice fresh air, maybe. Running? Hells no.

-My 2012 Reading Challenge Goal is 42 books. Why I upped it by 2 when I
didn't even make it to 40 last year is beyond me.

-I love my hubby more and more Every. Single. Day.

-I had my annual review at work today. It was good. I am going to be
certified to be able to do some more important stuff. That makes me feel

-I don't like Tash or Tasha, but I do have a thing for Nat. Feel free to
call me that.

Happy 2012! It's going to be a really great year.

There. I like lists. See some knit pics below. And my recovering Baby Bean


Cable Hat - 1/2 done
Shawl -- I don't want to toot my own horn or anything, but… :) 
My little Bean all bundled up in her blanket, tuckered out from her morning at the vet.
Could she be any more adorable? 


  1. Finally... I practically have your last post memorized for reading it so many times.
    Fantastic hat. Great job!
    ASD Certification is like applying for your MBA. (fair warning)
    You have been busy and have accomplished several impressive feats... You are forgiven for not blogging for the past, what...12 weeks???!!!

  2. I knew I could count on you for a comment.
    Thank You.
